We Love Libraries

Yes, as book readers, or people who are trying to read more books, the library is a great place. And I felt the need to do a quick post to express the appreciation we have for the existence of places for people to get books on a regular basis. And it is February, the month for hearts and declarations of love.

I will admit, I hadn't used a library to check out books in many years, since part way through college. As kid and preteen I would get books from the library all of the time and even in high school. The librarians and school secretaries knew me well. But at college, I ended up not checking out books very often. Some time in high school I started to struggle with the return on time policy and that got a bit worse in college. I would often have to pay fines for returning books late, sometimes a month late or so because I'd forget about the book and not return it. Some of those fines can get a bit steep so I ended up getting books less from the library in part because of my struggles to get the books in on time (and the rest of it just life things and not thinking about it, plus having a ton of books I own but haven't read yet).

But I'm back to the Library! :-D

And it's great. Not only could I print out a couple documents I needed (I'm going to Vegas in March so had a travel plan and I don't own a printer) but also I checked out 3 books. 1 dealt with health and the other two were middle grade. It was great to look through the books, finding ones I'd never heard of before and getting them without having a plan. This is why I like physical stores and buying books from them. Random finding books to read. I can't wait to read and look forward to having a review by the end of the month for at least one of the books.

If you haven't been to your local library lately, check it out. You might find some interesting things that you hadn't know about before. And as always, keep reading!

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